Corporate Social Responsibility
Melanie believes that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is about recognising that business resilience is directly linked to environmental resilience. By considering her social impact and reducing her environmental footprint, she is committed to taking specific actions that make a difference.
Melanie believes that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is about recognising that business resilience is directly linked to environmental resilience. By considering her social impact and reducing her environmental footprint, she is committed to taking specific actions that make a difference.
By working from home Melanie can make sure her personal values carry over into her business. This includes her commitment to recycling, efficient heating systems including solar panels and using sustainable products.
Her home office means she can work remotely, reducing transport and enjoying electronic paperless systems as much as possible. When travel is necessary this is either by public transport or a hybrid vehicle. The use of iPads and laptops for in person training along with recyclable training materials ensures this reduces impact.
Melanie enjoys working with like-minded individuals and organisations who respect their employees and partners in business, those who provide clear policies around inclusivity and have a zero-tolerance approach to workplace discrimination.
Her commitment to working with local charities and social enterprises regularly sees her gifting her time to help beneficial organisations in the community improve their people, their skills, and their business practices to become more successful.
Melanie is committed to providing both creative and innovative training initiatives which add value to the organisations she works with, securing jobs and optimal future performance.
One such initiative is her focus on learning the Welsh language and finding ways to support the development of ground-breaking training in the North Wales region where she now resides.